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What Employers Are Looking For On A Resume

Goodwin Recruiting | | August 8, 2017

What Employers Are Looking For On A Resume

With the job market doing so well, record low unemployment rates and fierce competition, it is important to make your resume stands out amongst the stack.  The average employer looks at a resume for approximately 6 seconds and makes a mental decision.  What can you do to make your resume stand apart from the others?  What makes yours unique?  Here are some key items to focus on when drafting your resume.


  • Format- Don’t make it too complicated, lose the pictures and the glitter in the margins.  Look professional!
  • Spelling and Punctuation- Nothing looks worse than bad punctuation or spelling errors on your resume.
  • Experience- Is your experience appropriate for this role?
  • Job History- Sorry, but no one likes a job hopper. Good tenure and progression throughout your career is important.
  • Content- This should be a highlight of your accomplishments, not 3 paragraphs describing what the functions of your job were.
  • Length- Keep it short! Try to have your resume on 1 page, 2 max!  No one wants to read an 8 page biography.


Follow these simple yet important tips to get more exposure when applying for your new career!