Hiring Advice

6 Steps for the Recipe to the Perfect Candidate

Seeking out the perfect candidate is sometimes like trying to create a great new recipe. You know what you want. You can see the final outcome in your mind. You crave it. If only you could find a candidate with just the right blend of skills, leadership, determination, work ethic, and the right personality for…

Give the Gift of Positivity

The word “karma” is often used within the context of the negative boomerang effect. We’ve all heard the phrase, “Karma is a…..” You can fill in the blank. Karma is a Sanskrit word that roughly translated means “action,” and it is rooted in the principle that basically you reap what you sow. But that definitely…

Transparent Communication Is the Key to Networking & Building Relationships

“I’ll send you my updated resume.” “You’ll be hearing from us soon.” “I’ve enjoyed our conversation — I’ll be in touch for a final interview.” Whether you are a candidate seeking a new position or a hiring manager searching for the perfect fit, you have undoubtedly been on the receiving end of one of these…

Do You Have a Diversity Recruitment Strategy?

Due to recent events, companies are taking a hard look at their diversity recruitment strategies. Some have had to dust off their old ones, and many may have to start from scratch. Either way, diversity in the workplace is essential to the health and wealth of your business. In fact, it has been noted that…

Free to Be…You and Me…EEOC

In 1776, the words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” were penned into the Declaration of Independence as our new nation was formed. In 2020, we are still trying to reflect this reality in the actions of our society. Things were far from equal at that time, but…

Creating a Data-Driven Recruitment Process

Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, once wrote, “The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.” Data mining and the utilization of big data have been deployed throughout every business function, including Human Resources. Using standard data-driven recruitment metrics has become an essential tool in developing a successful hiring plan….

What Is the Difference Between Strategy and Tactics?

You often hear the words ‘strategy’ and ‘tactics’ tossed around, but what really is the difference? Strategy describes the destination and an overview of the map to get there, and tactics are the specific directions and actions you need to take along the road. Robert Filek said, “Strategy without process is little more than a…

What Employees Want – Perspective While Rebuilding and Reopening

These are crazy and stressful times. As we look to the future during what could potentially be a long phase of rebuilding, restructuring, and reopening, it is time to start looking for those rock-solid team members who will be dedicated, loyal, professional, and uphold standards to solidify your brand. Sure, there are plenty of unemployed…

4 Recruiting Tips for HR Professionals in This New Era

Whether your title has the long-standing and traditional “Human Resources” in it, or the more recently trending “people,” culture, development, and almost anything in between, we all know it’s about establishing and maintaining culture and relationships. Titles are titles, but the “how” of reaching the goals is the part that causes stress and sleepless nights…

The Need for HR Departments to Pivot Due to COVID-19

As the writer Jeff Goins has so famously stated, “Pivoting is not Plan B, it’s part of the process.” The COVID-19 crisis has placed intense pressure on Human Resources departments. Beyond the standard demands of recruitment, arranging and executing performance reviews, overseeing benefits, staff development, managing corporate-wide compensation, regulatory compliance, and the host of associated…

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