Hiring Advice

Honest, transparent communication – A refreshing approach to recruiting

Searching for a new job is a nerve-racking process.  Finding the right person for a difficult-to-fill position is just as stressful. No matter which side of the table you are sitting on, the process can be fraught with everything from little white lies to flat out deception. That’s why here at Goodwin Recruiting, Transparent Communication…

Finding a Recruiter with Integrity 

A reprint of our blog article previously published on recruiter.com The world of recruiting, too often, gets a bad name. Many candidates cringe and act as if they are trying to avoid the plague when they hear from a recruiter. Employer prospects and even clients will duck calls and avoid emails. Why? Because far too often recruiters simply…

How to be the Creator of your own Success in Recruiting

In the world of recruiting, the activity you put into your business today will result in how much money you put into your bank account tomorrow. You are the only person who can create that action. The good news is, the only thing you need to be successful is YOU. Does anyone call you who…

The March Madness of Recruiting

The first quarter of every year is always an odd, mixed bag in the world of recruiting. Generally, January and February are slow months for new hires as teams launch their annual plans. Most firms have put key personnel into place before the year begins. But then, the winds of March begin to blow and kick off a fire-storm of…

A Recipe for Finding the Perfect Candidate

Talent Acquisition today is sometimes like trying to create a perfect new recipe. You know what you want. You can see the final outcome in your mind. You crave it. A candidate with just the right blend of skills, leadership, determination, work ethic and the right personality for your company’s culture. But finding just the…

3 Things Millennials Look for in a Work Environment

  Studies have shown that millennials have become less loyal to employers. According to a study by PWC, “In 2008, 75% of millennials expected to have between two and five employers in their lifetime. This had fallen to 54% in 2011 as Millennials expected to work shorter stints at more companies. The same report found…

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