5 Things to Remove From Your Resume

The key to getting a job is your resume, it’s as simple as that. It’s your resume that gets you past the 10 second initial fit test. It’s your resume that gives you speaking points during your in person interview, allowing you to easily identify skills you’ve developed in past jobs and explain how they align with the position’s qualifications.…

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5 Questions NOT To Ask During An Interview

A majority of candidates walk into an interview dressed professionally, with extra copies of their resume, and pre-rehearsed answers to questions the interviewer is likely to ask them. However, what many individuals fail to prepare for is the portion at the end of an interview when the interviewer asks, “What questions do you have for me?” This piece of the interview…

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The Unspoken Character Test

When preparing for an interview many of us compile a list of questions to ask the interviewer, we go over our resume to identify skills applicable to the position, and we even go as far as to lay out our outfit the night before. But sometimes that’s just not enough, and no matter how aligned…

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Never Accept a Counter Offer When You Resign

According to a new report by the Conference Board, a New York-based nonprofit research group, roughly half of employed Americans are unhappy at their current job. When you consider how difficult it is for most people to find their true passion, this statistic isn’t hard to believe. Many of the individuals that feel trapped doing a job…

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Interview Tips for the Experienced Candidate

It makes sense that candidates who are new to the workforce tend to prepare more for interviews than experienced candidates who have seen what the process is like and have an idea of what to expect. However, just because they had a successful interview in the past, doesn’t mean that they can walk in to…

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Résumés: Make Yourself the Obvious Pick

Even if you know you are the perfect fit for a job, your résumé could easily go unnoticed by a hiring manager who is powering through stacks of resumes on a daily basis. In order to land that first interview, your résumé needs to illustrate exactly why you are the most obvious fit for the…

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What Not To Include In Your Résumé

When it comes to writing a résumé, sometimes it’s easy to fall into the trap of making avoidable mistakes. In an effort to go above and beyond, applicants tend to turn away employers with unnecessary and outlandish content. Résumés are essential to your job search because they briefly showcase the qualities and skills that make…

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Fix Those Common Résumé Mistakes

The first step to applying for a job is providing a good quality résumé. Unfortunately, many job applicants do not realize how easy it is to make mistakes when creating their résumé. It’s important to keep in mind that a resume is essentially a 15-second advertisement of yourself. When an employer picks up your résumé…

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Tips for a Job-Landing Cover Letter

When applying for a job, having just a polished resume is not enough to make a solid impression with a hiring manager. The cherry on top of the ultimate job search ice cream sundae is a well-written cover letter attached to your resume. Why a cover letter? Simply put, cover letters give a more in-depth…

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Master Any Interview With These Tips

Anyone who has ventured out for a new job knows that the search and hiring process is a tedious, time-consuming, and nerve-racking experience. Although at times it may seem as if the endless amounts of submitted job applications are going nowhere, one day there will finally be a recruiter who takes a liking to your…

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