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Honest, transparent communication – A refreshing approach to recruiting

Honest, transparent communicaiton - A refreshing approach to recruiting

Searching for a new job is a nerve-racking process.  Finding the right person for a difficult-to-fill position is just as stressful. No matter which side of the table you are sitting on, the process can be fraught with everything from little white lies to flat out deception. That’s why here at Goodwin Recruiting, Transparent Communication is one of our Core Values. It’s one of the cornerstones that allows us to build connections between our candidates and our clients, supporting both in their need to find a long-term match.

Transparent Communication is a Two-way Street

This kind of transparent communication is a two-way street. It is crucial for candidates to be honest with their recruiter if they want to find a position that fits their needs and will truly make them happy. When on a job search, ask yourself, what do you really want in your next position?

  • Are you looking for more hours so you can make more money, or do you need something straight-forward and just 9 to 5?
  • Are you looking to take that next step and move up to a new level of responsibility, or do you love what you do and just want to find a better place to do it?
  • Do stressful environments freak you out, or do you love the hubbub and hustle of a vibrant, busy workplace? Would you get bored if things were too quiet?

First, be honest with yourself about what has motivated your search, and then share your thoughts with your recruiter so he or she can help you find the right position at the right company with the right culture. Get what you are looking for whether its growth potential or that steady-eddie job that will carry you through to retirement.

Finding a Recruiter you Can Trust

Once you have been completely transparent, you need your recruiter to be completely honest with you too. If there’s a position you really want but it would not be a good fit for you or your salary expectations aren’t realistic, you need your recruiter to tell you that. Trust in their knowledge of their clients and remember that they are acting in your best interests as your agent. If the position is way above or below your experience level, you need them to tell you that also, so you don’t waste time interviewing or even worse, working in a position that is way outside your comfort zone. Your recruiter is there to help you avoid a misstep in your next career step.

When it comes to employers, honesty is even more critical. Building a true partnership with a recruiter is not an easy task. We get it. Too often recruiters tell you that they have the “perfect” candidate for you, only to waste your time with candidates who are way off the mark. That is when transparency becomes the most important. Tell the recruiter why the candidate wasn’t the right fit, specifically.

  • Were they too talkative to the extent where you feel you could never get any work done? Or perhaps they are too quiet, and thus not a good fit for your company culture?
  • Did they have the experience you need on paper but when you put them to the test were they lacking the necessary skill set?
  • Were they too laid back, go-with-the-flow stylistically when you need a someone who can build and impose more structure?

The best way to find a recruiter who gets you what you are looking for is to be very specific with them about what you like and don’t like in the candidates they present. In this way, you can build a  true partnership that ensures that the candidates you are presented with are an excellent fit for the position, your culture, and ultimately the candidate themselves.

Everyone has the same goal – filling open positions with the right people who can stay for the long term. Let your Goodwin recruiter provide the pathway for transparent communication on all sides to build lasting partnerships for one and all.

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