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Résumés: Make Yourself the Obvious Pick

Goodwin Recruiting | | October 20, 2016

Resumes - Make Yourself the Obvious Pick

Even if you know you are the perfect fit for a job, your résumé could easily go unnoticed by a hiring manager who is powering through stacks of resumes on a daily basis. In order to land that first interview, your résumé needs to illustrate exactly why you are the most obvious fit for the position. Here are some strategies from Forbes on how to tinker with your résumé to achieve this:

Adding Context

While organizing the content on your résumé, it’s easy to include just a job title, then a list of bullet points that go into further detail about your duties and responsibilities. As necessary as these bullet points may seems, they usually don’t get read by a hiring manager who is reading dozens of résumés a day. A better way to add context to your job title would be doing something like this:

Content Manager | Winston Transportation United, Chicago

Publisher of largest national transportation magazine, circulation 1M

Ever since “Content Manager” is a decently vague job title, adding the one informative sentence below gives it meaning, and it’s brief enough to not lose the reader’s attention.

What Matters Most Comes First

Unless you’re a recent graduate, don’t start your résumé with your education history. Once you’re a few years out of college, hiring managers want to see relevant work experience first, rather than your degree.

Start Off With a Summary

The résumé summary is made up of a few short statements with a headline that go over your top qualifications and your most relevant achievements within that role. This is best for candidates who want to tie together years of experience and bring them closer to the top of the page.

Try to make your résumé summary perfectly tailored to the job you are applying for. If you are applying for a copyediting job, don’t use summaries that focus on a public relations job. Aim to include the position title you’re applying for or something very closely related.
